February 2024
This newsletter introduces myself and speaks of the connection that I have to Father Baraga and the reason that I am doing this work. I also talk about the fiscal sponsorship for Healing Wounds that will help to make repairs and amends for the challenges that have happened in the boarding schools. Learn about the upcoming videos that will be taking place. Also learn about the upcoming changes that will be happening on the site.
January 2024
This newsletters brings Father Baraga fans and those curious to new tools that will be produced to teach more about Father Baraga and his work among the Ojibwe. You will learn where to access the Youtube videos that will be coming out called "All About Baraga", a new blog called "A Mile in his Mocassins", an update on the Plan Your Pilgrimage page, a nonprofit that is being started to help the Native populations as Father Baraga did and a link to the BBA! Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about what is coming around the corner for Father Baraga in the year of 2024!
May 2023
In this newsletter one can see the Press Release for Father Baraga's Path to Sainthood and Father Baraga's Cross. Jay put together a podcast, video AND an article all for these reasons. I also introduced the YouTube Videos that I am going to be making telling about Father Baraga's Histories and it's connection with the Ojibwe histories. There is a new book out as well for Children that speaks of Father Baraga's work with the Native population. There was also a new BBA Bulletin that was published with an article that I wrote. Two new events are available including Baraga Days and the St. Kateri Conference. And new pages have been completed including info about the Doctrine of Discovery and Father Baraga's Path to Sainthood
December 2022
This letter shares about the Pipestone Cross. Originally I had the cross available for purchase. Ultimately the cross has a great deal of meaning due to it's connection to the Native population. The desired purpose is for the greater care and concern of the Native Populations. I also have an article in here about the Jesuit visit to Red Cloud Indian School. Another BBA Bulletin was also published and the Dakota 38+2 ride was happening at reconciliation park in Mankato. A new page was added which shares about the mission of the FatherBaraga.org website.