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Books Written by Father Baraga

This is the list of Books that Father Baraga wrote.  The books with the gold frame around them have full texts available to read.  Please click on the picture of the title page of the book to be brought to this full text.

English Language
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Theoretical and Practical Grammer of the Otchipwe Language
Year(s) Published: 1850, 1878

Description: A reference guide produced by Father Baraga to help missionaries learn and understand the grammar of the Ojibwe language.  It contains not only elements of the Ojibwe culture but also words that were used to describe Catholic vocabulary.  

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Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language
Year(s) Published: 1853

Description: A reference guide produced by Father Baraga to help missionaries learn and understand words in the Ojibwe language.  There is a section that is Ojibwe to English and English to Ojibwe.  To date it is still the largest dictionary printed containing these words.  

Ojibwe Language
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Ojibwe Prayer Book (For Ojibwe Dialect)
Ojibwe Title: Otchipwe Anamie-Masinaigan
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: Father Baraga completed this book after his arrival on Madeline Island on 1835.  This is based on the Ojibwe tribe located in the Wisconsin region and has a slightly different dialect than the Otawa tribe where he was situated previous to this.  In this prayer book one can find the Catechism, the rosary, prayers to the saints, the stations of the cross and more.  

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Otawa Prayer Book (For Otawa Dialect)
Ojibwe Title: Otawa Anamie-Misinaigan
Year(s) Published: 1832, 1837, 1842

The Otawa Prayer Book was the first book written by Father Baraga for the Otawa Tribe located in Michigan.  He completed this book in 1831 after only being introduced to the language for a year.  In this prayer book one can find the Catechism, the rosary, prayers to the saints, the stations of the cross and more.

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Catholic Prayer Book (For Ojibwe Dialect)
Ojibwe Title: Katolik Anamie-Masinaigan
Year(s) Published: 1846, 1848, 1849, 1855, 1858, 1863, 1865

Description: Father Baraga published after moving to L'Anse in 1842 to help the Ojibwe tribes in that region.  This is comprised of the same dialect as at the region in Madeline Island.  In this prayer book one can find the Catechism, the rosary, prayers to the saints, the stations of the cross and more.

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Catholic Prayer Book (For Otawa Dialect)
Ojibwe Title: Katolik Anamie-Misinaigan
Year(s) Published: 1849, 1855, 1858

Description: Father Baraga published after moving to L'Anse in 1842 to help the Ojibwe tribes in that region.  This is comprised of the same dialect as at the region in Madeline Island.  In this prayer book one can find the Catechism, the rosary, prayers to the saints, the stations of the cross and more.

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Life of Jesus Here on Earth (Ojibwe Dialect)
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description:  Father Baraga's Prayer Book grew in popularity quickly around the region.  As a result, he produced an accompaniment to the work by speaking into Jesus being here on earth.  This was also considered a prayer book for those who prayed in a Catholic Manner.  

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Life of Jesus Here on Earth (Otawa Dialect)
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description:  Father Baraga's Prayer Book grew in popularity quickly around the region.  As a result, he produced an accompaniment to the work by speaking into Jesus being here on earth.  This was also considered a prayer book for those who prayed in a Catholic Manner.  

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Bible extracts, Life of Christ, Epistles and Gospels
Year(s) Published: 1843

Description: This book was published a year after his arrival in L'Anse.  This book contains more of the New Testament elements including the gospels after the first four books.

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Little Book about the Mother
Ojibwe Title: Harmon, Ogi Masinakisanawa, mandan masinaigan
Year(s) Published: Before 1846

Description: This book describes mother Mary.  The Ojibwe did not have the letter 'r' in their language so often instead of calling her Mary, they called her "Mani".  

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Catholic Preaching Book
Ojibwe Title: Katolik Gagikwe-Masinaigan
Year(s) Published: 1846, 1858

Description: This book contains of some of the works of the Old Testament, exerpts taken from the Life of Jesus and also has the Acts of the Apostles. 

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Catholic Book of Meditations
Ojibwe Title: Katolik Enamiad o Nanagatawendamowinan
Year(s) Published: 1850

Description: 712 pages - Avec Approbation De Monseigneur l’Evêque Pierre Paul Lefevre (With the Approval of Bishop Pierre Paul Lefevre.  The book begins with an explanation of Christmas, New Years Day and Epiphany.  About 100 pages are devoted to the Passion of Our Lord.  Then instructions on Easter and Ascension.  Prayers, Sacraments and the afterlife are included afterwards.

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Ojibwe Instruction Book
Ojibwe Title: Otchipwe Kikinoamadi-Masinaigans
Year(s) Published: 1853

Description: No description provided.  

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Pastoral Letter of Right Reverend Bishop Frederic Baraga
Ojibwe Title: Kitchi-Mekatewikwanaie Frederic Baraga, o Masinaigan, Ge-Wabandamowad, Kakina Anishinabeg Enamiadjig
Year(s) Published: 1853

Description: No description provided

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Eternal truths always to be remembered by a Catholic Christian
Ojibwe Title: Kagige debwewinan, kaginig ge-takwendang katolik enamiad
Year(s) Published: 1855

Description: 333 pages.  Description Unknown.  This book Click Here for the Link to the book.

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Temperence Cards
Ojibwe Title: 
Year(s) Published: 

Description: These cards were printed for Father Baraga to help the Ojibwe stay away from alcohol.  Each card was a pledge from the Ojibwe to abstain.  With abstinence then the Ojibwe were able to partake in the Catholic Church.  

Slovenian Language
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Spiritual Sustenance, Pasture for the Soul
Slovenian Title: Dushna Pasha Za Kristjane : Kteri Shelé v’Duhu in Refnizi Boga Moliti
Year(s) Published: 1830, 1835

Description: This is a famous work done by Father Baraga right before he departed to the United States to work with the Ojibwe.  In this book one can find the stations of the cross, the rosary, poems, etc.  This piece has been translated into English.  

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From Pozheshevanje and Imitation of Mother Boshja
Slovenian Title: Od Pozheshevanja in Posnemanja Matere Boshje
Year(s) Published: 1830

Description: No description provided

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Unknown Title
Slovenian Title: Perpomozhik Sveti Roshni Kranz Bogu in Marii Dopadlji
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: No description provided

 French Language
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Compendium of the History of the Indians of North America
French Title: Abrégé de l’histoire des Indiens de l’amérique septentrionale
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: This book refers to the histories of the Indians in North America and to the discovery of the new world.  

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Sermons of Father Baraga (In Cree Symbols)
French Title: Sermons De Monseigneur Baraga
Year(s) Published: 1859, 1887

Description: These are Father Baraga's Sermons that were translated into the Cree language.  Father Baraga also knew some Cree which can be found in his dictionary.  Father Baraga used the English symbols to pronounce these words where this book uses the Cree symbology to reference and pronounce Father Baraga's sermons.  

German Language
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Manners and Customs of the North American Indians
German Title: Geschichte, Character, Sitten und Gebräuche der nord-amerikanischen Indier
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: This book written by Father Baraga talks about the customs and manners of the North American Indians.  He wrote books such as this to be able to sell in Europe to help aid in the funding of his missions here in the United States.  

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Sources, Partly collected and edited from my own experience
German Title: Quellen, Theils Aus Eigener Erfahrung Gesammelt Und Herausgegeben
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: No description provided.

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Census of Navad and Sadershanja Indians of North America: Written in the German Language by Frederic Baraga
Slovenian Title: Popis Navád in Sadershanja Indijanov Polnozhne Amerike; Spisal v’ Nemshkim Jesiku Friderik Baraga
Year(s) Published: 1837

Description: No description provided.

Multiple Languages
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Great Spirit: God Unspeakable: About the Immaculate Conception: Mary Immaculate: The Immaculate Conception

Description: Translation of Ineffabilis Deus: The Immaculate Conception into various languages including Ojibwe.  The original text was published by the Pope in 1854 which was two years after Father Baraga became Bishop.  

Multiple Languages: Translated into French, Slovenia, Ojibwe, Latin and English

The Diary of Bishop Frederic Baraga
Year(s) Written: 1852-1863

Description: Father Baraga's Personal Diary that he wrote in multiple languages was translated into English.  It tells of the events that transpired in his life after he became Bishop in 1852.

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Letters Written and Translated involving Frederic Baraga
Year(s) Written: 1837-1840

Description: Father Baraga's Personal Diary that he wrote in multiple languages was translated into English.  It tells of the events that transpired in his life after he became Bishop in 1852.

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Collection of Father Baraga Papers
Year(s) Written: Multiple

Description: A Collection help by the University of Notre Dame.  Go to to be able access the archives which can be purchased from them directly.  

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