Current Projects
Translate Father Baraga's Books from Ojibwe to English

Father Baraga has written several books in the Ojibwe (Otchipwe) language. He has a prayer book, the New Testament and portions of other testaments, the Catechism and more. Although many references have been translated into English, many of his Ojibwe books do not have translations yet.
In Progress
Steps Required:
Turn Father Baraga's Dictionary into Excel Format
Add Father Baraga's Grammar Book into Excel Format
Write Father Baraga's Books in Word
Translate Father Baraga's Books

Father Baraga Challenges
Engage in Several Challenges to build your spiritual and physical rigor. The Lake Superior Hiking Challenge is an event that will allow a person to 'trek' around Lake Superior in a year. From the comfort of your own home or a nearby trail you can get the feel for the vast size of Lake Superior and how much it takes to walk or snowshoe the amount that Father Baraga did.
The Daily Prayer Challenge is to be able to sit in prayer is to build yourself up to be in prayer and meditate for one hour a day. Father Baraga on average spent about 3 hours in the morning in prayer and solitude prior to starting his day.

Ojibwe Maps
Father Baraga knew the region primarily through the Ojibwe language. This project allows you to be able to see his missions and primary places where he stayed with the OJibwe language. Learn how to say the words in Ojibwe by going to the Ojibwe language tab and learning the basic vowels and consonants.

Blog Creation
This time era that Father Baraga lived during is rich with changes! The timeline shows a large portion of those changes, but this project would allow for others to see more information on each person that Father Baraga came across and their personal history.

Add waterfalls to the maps
Father Baraga also got to see many of the waterfalls around Lake Superior. This project would add the waterfalls of the region to the map. It would also be a new map that would include specific features that would allow one to see the churches, historic markers and more.

Understand more about the Jesuits
Father Baraga's entrance was preceded by several missionaries who came from New France preceding the time of the thirteen colonies. This project would help to bring the timelines preliminary to him to the surface which would help to create the context of where he worked.

This project would create an events calendar where one can find events related to Father Baraga and the Ojibwe people of the time. It would include Baraga Days, Snowshoeing treks in his honor, Sandy Lake Tragedy memorials honorings, etc.